This is how the tourney ended up:

Now I know what you're wondering. Patrick, how the hell did you get to 7th rank when you own so much? Well, I was falling in Nicky P's trap he falls into of picking the best players. After starting 0-5, I figured out to use Vegas Odds to help determine who I pick. That meant I made these pickups:
Matt Cassel QB(I had Hasselback POS as QB before)
Matt Forte RB to back up the often injured Steven Jackson
And Jets as DEF backup
These a-holes led me to the playoffs and I raped my opponent in the first round against #2:

In the semifinals, I picked up Devin Hester (WR), Davone Bess (WR), and Neil Rackers (K) because Yahoo scouted them as 4 star players for this particular weekend. Well, Bess sucked, Hester made a difference but only by drawing penalties, and Rackers sucked more than Jenna Jameson. But, Matt Cassel avenged his dad and got 5 TDs, and Andre Johnson went apeshit and I beat my projective odds and sucky advice from Yahoo to advance to the finals:

So this weekend I may win my first Fantasy anything. I picked up Lance Moore and Pierre Thomas because New Orleans is projected to dominate the Lions. Everyone group hug with me:

I picked up Cassel in Week 2 when Brady went down b/c I had Brady..Cassel was so ass bad for 2 months that I ended up RELEASING him, at which point he started throwing for 400 yards every week...this is the same fantasy team where I missed the playoffs, but I have LeRon McClain and Pierre Thomas who sucked for the first 13 weeks but lately are putting up 20 points every now every week during the playoffs I have to look at my team that is not in the playoffs scoring more points than the teams that are in the playoffs...worst fantasy season ever..
Fantasy is rig if you're in the wrong league. My friends are in a betting league so each player maxes out at like 20 pts so you don't have 60 pt bs qb days that was killing me the first 5 games.
I had Matt Ryan carry me for a few weeks until Cassel was my homie. I lost my finals match up because Peyton Manning went mega apeshit. :(
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