Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wayne Bridge is a big pussy.

Here's a story for you. This guy you knew at work was banging this hot chick. Then they had a kid. Then they broke up. Meanwhile, you're kind of a dick, so you cheat on your wife with your co-worker's ex-chick. Your co-worker found out you banged his ex-chick and now says he can't work with you, storms into the boss' office, jumps on the boss' desk, pulls his pants down and takes a big ole shit.

You must be thinking to yourself, "Why the FUCK would your co-worker give two shits that you banged his ex-chick? That's what happens when you break up with a chick; she has sex with someone else." If you're thinking this, then you feel the exact same way I do about Wayne Bridge:

Wayne Bridge is a big pussy.

Terry cheated on his wife by banging Wayne Bridge's ex-girlfriend, and now Bridge won't accept a call up from Capello to play on the NATIONAL TEAM OF ENGLAND because he "in no mood to forgive Terry after his alleged affair with Vanessa Perroncel, the mother of his child." -ESPN What a fucking baby. This is the kind of guy who gets mad that someone had sex with his first girlfriend after he himself had sex with 20 girls after her. "Ex" does not mean "forever property" you pansy ass motherfucker. If I had a chance to bang your ex, I would too. I probably wouldn't cheat on my wife, but I and 1 million other dudes want to, and probably have, had sex with your ex. Get over it. You should be giving him a high-five. So what if you had a kid with her? What, you going to be greedy about who she can give birth to, too? Grow some hair on your fucking chest and play for England. You just made a big deal about nothing.


dook!e said...

That is all true.

dook!e said...

I finally understand what beyonce is trying to say in the "put a ring on it" song. aha.. if i were in that locker room, i'd be blasting that song whenever wayne bridge was around.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree...agree on all the comments too. She have left you...probably because you didn't marry her and no you want to be all noble and shit....No body gives a crap about Wayne Bridge. I know Wayne Bridge because of this saga, not because of what matters