1. All irony aside, what a game that was. That fourth quarter was the best thing anyone will see on TV all year. I don't want to hear about friggin Alan Ameche's old balls anymore. In my book, this is the new Greatest Game Ever Played.
2. Was I the only one hoping Mercury Morris would present the Giants with their Super Bowl trophy? How dastardly would that have been? C'mon NFL, that was a slam dunk, do I have to think of everything for you?
3. Why is Bill Simmons http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/080204 stealing my format? Could he be the mysterious 4th person reading this page?
4. What were the prop bet odds on Eli Manning and David Tyree combining for the biggest "Get the fuck out of here, I don't believe what I just saw" play in Super Bowl history? I'm thinking at least 10 to 1.
5. This comment seems very insightful now that I can go ahead and make it after the fact, but do you think maybe just maybe the Patriots wouldn't have gone 16-0 if they didn't play in a division where they got to play 3 really, really bad teams twice apiece? The Giants played in a division that sent 3 teams to the playoffs (Giants, Cowboys, Redskins) and had a 4th team that usually makes it but didn't this year (Eagles). Meanwhile, the Pats got to smack around the 4-12 Jets and the 1-15 Dolphins twice apiece, and the second place team in their division was the 7-9 Bills.
6. You know what else was great about last night's game? I'm pretty sure Randy Moss' 4th quarter TD was the LAST time we'll see the "Supahman" pose after a touchdown. Who knows what the hot thing will be next year. Maybe simulated buttsex. YOOOOOOOOOOU. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU. I'll always remember this as the "Soulja Boy" season. That's not a good thing.
7. I'm also pretty sure this is the last time you see Belichick wearing a RED sleeveless sweatshirt.
8. It's never too early to start thinking about next season. My Super Bowl pick for next year, made 1 day after this year's Super Bowl is.......
That's it. That's the END of the 2007 season. My head hurts. I'm taking a couple of weeks off. I'm bizack the first week of March when free agency starts.
I close the season with my current favorite YouTube video. This tastes like penis!
Pats had perfect storm. Next year i think they're fucked based off the Second Place Super Bowl Curse.
Excellent work by Mr. N. and Balzack. I liked the part about patrick getting misty during the Rambo movie. I am Beeklee.
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